

WAV File Writing

Now you can save the file that you are listening to as a .wav file. Just go into Setup Options, and choose the Audio tab on the right. Change the "Select Output" to "WAV disk writer". Then click on the field below "WAV disk writer path:" to specify a path to write the .wav files to. Simply play an mp3 or module file to start the process.

Visualization FX Settings

Sonique .75 has new effects that can be applied to the visuals.  From the vis fx tab in setup options you can enable blur, smoke & zoom individually or all at once.  By trying different combinations of effects and levels, you can achieve many interesting results.

Audio Enhancement Tray

You can change the eq, pitch and amp settings from any screen in nav mode by clicking on the audio enhancement drawer.  In order for changes to take effect, you must ensure that the ENABLED box is checked in the audio controls screen.

Animation Settings

You can change the speed of sonique's animation and increase the frame rate by going to setup options and clicking the visual tab.  Turning down the animation slider is a good idea for machines with slower CPUs.

File Types

You can modify sonique's file association properties by clicking on SETUP OPTIONS and then clicking the FILE TYPES tab.

Playlist Item Moving

You can move tracks around in the playlist editor by "tagging" tracks with the ctrl or shift keys and then using the big grey arrow buttons.


Sonique .90 supports streaming. To listen to an mp3 broadcast, set sonique as your default player for mp3 and playlist files, then click any link to an active webcast to have sonique stream it. Additionally, you may type the URL of any mp3 webcast into the lowest box of the file open dialog.

Double-Click Mode Change

Double clicking on the grey border of Sonique will change its state. Double-clicking with the right mouse button changes the state from small to mid to large and back to small. The right button double-click will do the same thing in the opposite direction, from large to mid to small and back to large.

CD Audio

Sonique supports CD Audio as well as data files.  You can play tracks from your CD-ROM by clicking "explore" on your CD-ROM and then dragging the .CDA files into Sonique.

Online Tools

Use Sonique's online tools to find new music, get updates anc connect yourself to music on the web! Click ONLINE TOOLS from Sonique's navigation menu.


The loop button has two modes, loop one and loop all, when the loop button is pressed the first time and lights up blue, it is looping all the songs. When you press it again it lights up green, indicating that it is looping only one song.

The AMP Knob

"AMP" on the Audio Enhancement Control Tray is not just another volume control as some people have concluded. AMP actually stands for "Amplitude" and manipulates the amplitude of the sound wave-form.


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Help System Version .92